Might I have an eating disorder?
One of the established ways of simply assessing for a potential Eating Disorder is via the SCOFF Quiz.
The SCOFF questionnaire is a simple, five-question screening tool to assess the possible presence of an eating disorder.2 It was developed in the United Kingdom by Morgan and colleagues in 1999.
It is not a diagnostic tool and should never replace screening and assessment with a suitably trained healthcare professional, but serves as an initial starting point to see where you might “be” in relation to the potential of having an eating disorder.
Note for Non- UK participants
The SCOFF questionnaire uses an acronym (Sick, Control, One, Fat, Food), which does not translate perfectly to other countries because of the reference to “one stone.” A “stone” is an old UK measurement of weight and is fourteen pounds ( or 6.35kg).
It also does not translate exactly as the term “sick in this instance specifically means “vomit.” It does not mean “ill”.
However, it is very simple. Answering “yes” to two or more of the following questions indicates a possible eating disorder.
A few points before you answer the questions
I have made some slight adjustments to the original SCOFF questionnaire as although it is a simple and quick tool, I believe that it is important to capture some other information in order to provide a little more opportunity to respond more accurately.
- Making yourself sick (vomit) is not the only way to purge. I would like you to be honest and say “yes” to the first question if you vomit, exercise for long periods to try and burn off the food you ate, take laxatives or other products to get rid of the food and empty yourself, take drugs for this purpose that have not been prescribed for you, (or to lose weight) or do anything to compensate for the food eaten, including reducing your food intake down to almost nothing because you have binged or overeaten (in your view).
- I would like you to answer YES if you have lost OR gained (or both) the weight specified in question 3.
- I would like you to consider saying YES to question 5 if food, eating, calories, diets, are preoccupying your life.
- Do you make yourself Sick (induce vomiting) because you feel uncomfortably full?*
- Do you worry you have lost Control over how much you eat?
- Have you recently lost more than One stone [approximately fifteen pounds] in a 3-month period?
- Do you believe yourself to be Fat when others say you are too thin?
- Would you say that Food dominates your life?
What does it mean? What should I do?
- If you answered YES to less than 2 of the questions but you are still concerned, and/ or want to know more about eating disorders and how I work, I invite you to join my mailing list here. We don’t spam and will provide you with helpful information.
2. If you didn’t answer YES to two or more of the questions but you believe you may have a problem anyway (or someone else is concerned about your eating or exercise behaviour), you still should seek help, since the SCOFF questionnaire may not pick up all eating disorders or disordered eating behaviours.
For helpful information related to EDs, join my mailing list here. You can also contact me for a free, no- obligation 15-30 minute chat to talk about your worries, here. I also have video- based introductory information available HERE and via my socials on Facebook and Instagram. My Masterclass is available at various times of the year, and by joining my mailing list, you will hear about the next session- also free. I also offer group coaching programmes throughout the year, with dates and times announced through my socials and mailing list.
3. If you answered YES to 2 or more of the questions above, it indicates the potential of a disordered relationship with food and / or an Eating Disorder.
I said 'yes' to more than 2 questions - what should I do?
You should seek to make an appointment with your GP for a referral with an eating disorder professional, such as a therapist, dietitian or specialist physician. A professional can determine if you do, indeed, suffer from anorexia nervosa, Bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, or other eating disorder. In the UK, NHS services do vary and waiting lists are often lengthy if services exist at all. There are many private practitioners however who can help. I am one of them and if you want to understand more about my 1-1 programmes and group options, please contact me for a no- obligation, free initial chat.
It is also common for many people with eating disorders to not believe they are ill – honesty is the best approach when answering the questions, simple as they might seem to be. You may still be struggling with body-image concerns or you might have a significant issue with over-exercise and healthy / clean eating. I can also help with these.
It takes courage to seek treatment, but recognising that you have a problem and realising you need help are critical first steps to your treatment and recovery from your eating disorder.
"I’m slowly learning to love myself and treat myself as I would others, but equally I am learning when to let go of things that don’t serve me.
I was swallowing anger and fear and stuffing down my feelings with food. I was absolutely exhausted with it all.
Su’s warmth and empathy, but giving me a professional “push” when I needed it, helped me through.
I found CBT-E really helpful as I liked the structure and the work between sessions helped me to put things into real-life practice. I’ve changed my job and I’m no longer hiding in the car eating because I was ashamed to eat in front of others. That is massive."