Might I have Binge Eating Disorder?

If you are reading this, chances are that you are concerned about your eating, and you aren’t sure whether your eating worries might actually be binge eating or possibly binge-eating disorder.

 I have a short screening questionnaire on this website that might help you.

You can access the questionnaire here but before you do, let’s clear up a few myths about Binge Eating Disorder.  

“It’s all about willpower. I have none. I’m greedy and have no self- control”

Binge eating is not about your lack of willpower or weakness around food or greed.  It can however be exacerbated by dieting, as restricting does not help a binge eater!

Binge eating / compulsive eating is much more complex than that, but it is certainly treatable, but if left to develop can become a very serious mental and physical health issue.

“I’m not fat or even overweight so no one believes me when I try and talk about my binge eating”

You do not have to be overweight to have Binge Eating issues or Binge Eating Disorder- in fact many people do not get the help they need because they look “normal” (whatever that is). However, some people with Binge Eating Disorder, especially those who do not “compensate” for the food eaten, may be in a larger body size.  The size, weight or shape of you doesn’t necessarily mean anything when reviewing your risk or situation.  

Why do I do this?

Strong and sometimes overwhelming feelings and emotions such as guilt, shame, anxiety, anger, especially when you don’t find it easy to express yourself  (confidence issues, for example) can create the urge to numb or anaesthetise via food.

It isn’t unusual for binge eating to accompany other mental health issues like  depression, anxiety, and ADHD. 

You might restrict your food, either by dieting, or perhaps there is something else that drives you not to eat. Restriction leads to bingeing, even amongst those of us who don’t have a disorder- have you ever got so hungry that you just wanted to inhale whatever was in front of you, and you find yourself consuming way more food than you would have done at a planned meal.

There are many reasons though- and everyone is unique.

If you’re worried that your eating may be out of control, do the questionnaire and see where you are.

Don’t be afraid to reflect on your relationship with food as you take the quiz. This is an extremely important step in your journey towards healing.

It’s a short series of questions is designed to help you identify whether compulsive eating or binge eating is a concern for you.